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01 Февраль, 2011 23:08 Комментарий

Учащимся школы-любознательным и любящим английский язык-предлагаем принять участие в викторине


  1.  How many islands does the country comprise?
  2.  Name at least four largest islands of the country.
  3.  What are the Indonesian flag colours?
  4.  What’s the currency of the country?
  5.  What’s the world rank of the Indonesian population?
  6.  When did the country get its independence?
  7.  What time is it in Jakarta if it’s 7a.m. in Khabarovsk?
  8.  It’s winter in Khabarovsk and in Australia it’s summer. What season is it in Indonesia?
  9.  December 26, 2004 …. This date has become tragic for the whole world. Why?
  10.  The official national language, Indonesian, is universally taught in schools, and consequently is spoken by nearly every Indonesian.  It was constructed from a lingua franca. What does the latter mean?
  11.  Indonesia's national motto is "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" ("Unity in Diversity" ). How do you understand it?
  12.  What kinds of batik can your name?
  13.  What are Indonesian traditional musical instruments?
  14.  What kind of Indonesian outfit do you know?
  15.  Do you know any special dolls that come from Indonesia?
  16.  What are the main tourist spots? Describe one and explain your choice.

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